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Horseradish is one of the most beneficial vegetables for health with its high nutritional and mineral content such as fiber, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese. The health benefits of horseradish have also been the subject of many scientific studies. Scientific studies have shown that horseradish fights cancer, destroys microbes and bacteria, and is good for constipation. Horseradish can be purchased at street markets during the winter months.


It is good for urinary tract infection.

It stimulates the digestive system. It removes stomach and intestinal gas.

Increases the appetite.

It is good for respiratory tract infections such as high fever and flu.

It is a cure for pain.

Thanks to the antibiotics in it, it plays a protective role in the walls of the intestines.

It has a mild laxative effect.

It relieves pains such as waist, back and rheumatism.

It has a healing effect on flu and high fever.

It is a powerful aphrodisiac. It increases sexual power.

It strengthens immunity with its strong antioxidant content. It is among the most beneficial plants for genetically related cancers and cancers such as lung cancer.

It can support chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Horseradish is not very tasty. For this reason, you can use horse radish extract from pharmacies as tablets or capsules.


Thanks to its low calorie and high fiber content, horseradish plays an effective role in losing weight. Natural chemicals called isothiocyanates in horseradish help to accelerate metabolism.

Horseradish is packed with potentially beneficial nutrients and phytochemicals. These compounds strengthen the immune system. It fights germs and bacterial infections, including Listeria, E. coli, and Staphylococcus.

Horseradish, with its diuretic feature, removes toxins from the body and cleans the kidneys.

Free radicals can wreak havoc on the body, and a diet of antioxidant-rich foods can help eliminate or prevent this damage. Horseradish contains a number of phyto-compounds that are health-promoting antioxidants. It destroys free radicals in our body.

Due to its antibiotic properties, horseradish has been used in traditional medicine for many years in the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, cough and cold. It cures the symptoms of respiratory tract disease.

Horseradish contains compounds that fight germs and bacteria. It helps in the treatment of urinary tract infection. It may even be considered more successful than conventional antibiotic treatments.

Horseradish contains enzymes that stimulate digestion, regulate bowel movements and reduce constipation. Bile helps to remove excess cholesterol, fat and other wastes from the body and supports a healthy digestive system.

Another well-known benefit of horseradish is its pain-relieving properties. It was even used by people in Ancient Greece as a natural pain reliever to help relieve back pain. Horseradish is usually applied topically for painful areas of the body caused by injury, arthritis or inflammation, that is, powdered and mixed with honey and applied to the aching area. It relieves pain with its anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies published in the 2016 medical journal Molecules, as well as studies in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry, reached promising results regarding horseradish and cancer. Horseradish is effective in preventing cancer with its bioactive compounds, especially the substance called sinigrin, which can help fight cancer.


It can be used in powder form and sprinkled on meals as a spice.

It can be grated and added to salads. However, this is not a very good idea as it has a bitter taste.

Pickles can also be made with horseradish.


Horseradish can cause the following side effects in some people:


Excessive sweating

Stomach flu

Vomiting (may be bloody)

Skin irritation or burning (if applied topically)

Irritation to the lining of the mouth, throat, nose, digestive tract, and urinary tract

Slowing down of the thyroid gland

May exacerbate stomach ulcers

Not recommended for pregnant women. May cause miscarriage.


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